Harnessing the Power of Post-Event Content: Expert Insights to Elevate Your Strategy

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Creating content at events that resonates and retains its value long after the occasion has passed is an art form critical to the success of any event planner. With the dynamic nature of events, ensuring that content not only captures the essence of the moment but also serves a purpose in the future is a challenge many face. To navigate this complex terrain, we've turned to the insights of industry leaders who have mastered the craft of producing enduring event content. From the importance of strategic planning to the power of emotional engagement, these experts share their strategies for transforming fleeting moments into lasting memories. Here are their potent insights:

Crafting a Blueprint for Future Success

Kimberly Hardcastle emphasizes the essence of forward-thinking, "The most important piece of advice I have for creating promotional content that can be used long after the event is over is to have a well-thought-out strategy before your event happens." It’s a reminder that lasting content begins with a blueprint that anticipates future needs and aligns with strategic goals.

Capturing the Heartbeat of Your Event

Dan Piva captures the importance of emotional connection, stating, "One of the best ways to create content at events that can be repurposed long after your event has concluded is by being very proactive about getting content and creating content that creates deep emotions within your attendees." This approach underlines the power of memories shaped by feelings, which remain long after the details fade.

Engaging Beyond the Event

Dianne Devitt offers a trifecta of engagement post-event, "Take a topic, any topic, take the hot topics and send out questions to people on your social media through your social media channels in the months following. See what conversation comes up." Her strategy for continuous engagement ensures that the conversation, and thus the content, lives on.

The Art of Content Adaptability

Megan Martin points out the versatility of session recordings, "If you record your session, break those up into bite-size pieces... a lot of ways to break up long session recordings." Her insight highlights the importance of adaptability in content presentation, catering to the varied consumption preferences of your audience.

Setting the Scene for Lasting Memories

Angus Clark stresses the significance of memorable specifics, "Set up your content with something specific about the event location, venue, and setting that serves as a keepsake." He reminds us that the setting can anchor the content, making it a tangible memory for attendees.

The Game Plan for Evergreen Content

Clarissa Russell advocates for comprehensive planning, "Think big and consider creating a game plan before your event actually occurs... Thinking big and using that game plan to set you up for success." It’s an encouragement to see beyond the event, envisioning the future landscape where your content continues to thrive.

In distilling these insights, the path to creating lasting event content becomes clear. It’s not just about capturing moments but about embedding those moments in a larger strategy that extends well beyond the event horizon. By applying these expert strategies, your next event can leave a lasting legacy that engages, educates, and inspires for years to come.

To hear the full answers of the experts we featured, click the image above or access the full gallery here.

At Gather Voices, we believe in the power of video to capture and share these evolving experiences, making it simpler for organizations to engage their audiences in meaningful ways. Explore how our solutions can enhance your next virtual, hybrid or in-person event. Schedule a demo today.

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