Virtual Events Don’t Have to Be Hard: Learn How the American Pharmacists Association Delivers Unique, High-Value Virtual Experiences

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Learn How to Create a High-Quality, High-Value Virtual Event

Stay tuned: a version of this video with captions is coming soon!

Association professionals have learned a lot over the past year about how to create meaningful virtual event experiences that deliver value for sponsors and drive authentic member engagement. And we are all still learning. One thing is clear: virtual events are not going away and innovation is only going to accelerate. 

That’s why we invited Windy Christner, CMP, Associate Vice President, Meetings & Expositions at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), to join Michael Hoffman, CEO of Gather Voices, for a live, 1-hour webinar to dive deep into strategies for creating high-quality, high-value virtual experiences. They discussed:

  • What APhA has learned over the past year as they transitioned to delivering engaging virtual experiences during the pandemic
  • Innovative solutions to deliver more value for sponsors 
  • How APhA created authentic attendee engagement by inviting their community to join in the event conversation
  • APhA’s strategic approach for meetings & events as we look ahead to the rest of this year and beyond

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Featured Presenters

Michael Hoffman is the co-founder and CEO of Gather Voices, a technology company that automates the creation, management and publishing of video content. He is also the founder of See3 Communications, a digital marketing agency in Chicago and founder of the DoGooder Video Awards which honors the best social cause video on YouTube each year. Hoffman teaches marketing at the University of Chicago and is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer who is a trusted advisor to association leaders on engagement strategy.

Windy Christner, CMP is the Associate Vice President of Meetings and Events for the American Pharmacists Association. Responsible for the production, organization, management, and logistics for APhA’s meetings and events, Windy K. Christner, CMP is a professional meeting planner with a 23 history at APhA.  Along with her dynamic team, she has primary responsibility for the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition (6,000 attendees and 200+ exhibitors), the Joint Federal Pharmacy Seminar (1,000 attendees and 150+ exhibitors), and rental of APhA’s beautiful rooftop venue, the Potomac View Terrace, located on the National Mall.

An active Board member for the Association of Meeting Professionals, membership in the Professional Convention Management Association and on several industry advisory committees, Windy has a wide range of hospitality industry connections and affiliations.

Windy holds a BS in Criminology from Auburn University and received her Certified Meetings Professional designation in 1996. A lover of live music, handmade art, her German heritage, animals, and cooking Windy lives in VA with her husband Randall.